
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Follow Your Inner Wisdom

From: Jill

One of the things I love the most about life and know that it is key to living joyfully and empowered , is deepening my Intuition.  Just knowing there is a Wiser part of me, a part that is guiding and directing me,  is such a comforting feeling.
The truth is…this Guidance I get isn't  always something I am actually comfortable with,  and honestly it doesn't always make sense in the moment...
Developing a deep sense of Trust and having an Open Mind, with the right amount of Discernment is Key to living in the flow.
That flow is the balance between the rational mind and the intuitive mind.  The right and left brain, the masculine and feminine aspects of our  being.

When I embarked on my journey to become a Certified Soul  Art Guide my rational mind was telling me it just didn't make sense, but my Intuition was ever so gently whispering in my ear “Go this way, trust me."
But I was afraid.  My rational mind said I didn't have the money in my bank account to get another certification, or the time with two kids in High School and  each very involved in their sports, but I knew in my heart something was calling me to Trust the Intuitive Guidance I was receiving. 
So I did it!  I felt the fear and did it anyways.  
It was in that program where I virtually met Michelle.  We connected during one of the class assignments.  The deeper meaning of this connection was still unknown to us but we followed our initial Intuitive nudge.

During my Intensive one-on one with Laura Hollick,  while I was at Soul  Art studio in Canada, and again in a follow up mentor call,  Laura said she intuitively felt that Michelle and I would be working together on some level.

I had no idea what she meant.  It wasn't until  after those comments by Laura that Michelle and I discovered that not only did we live in the same state but that we lived only 40 minutes away from each other.
Over the next several months Inner Alignment Mandalas unfolded.  
We know the work coming through us is bigger than our small selves.  It is something only this amazing Universe could have orchestrated and weaved together.

And because the Universe has a great sense of humor and loves to give us signs that we are on the right are two pictures that showcase this concept perfectly.
Below is a painting Michelle had done in her FEARLESS painting class with Connie Hozvicka  of Dirty Footprints Studio that I knew nothing about.  
Months later I painted a picture for the Artist ~ Healer Circle series on LilyWheel Slide with Hali Lynn Karla.
You be the judge...coincidence?


                                                             Michelle's painting from BIG


                                                    My Painting for the Artist ~ Healer Circle

And now it comes full circle.  
Michelle and I are thrilled  to be featured as nu Icons,  along with many other wonderful individuals,  in Laura Hollick's  Global Vision Quest!

global vision quest

We were Intuitively Guided to create a Mandala for the Global Vision Quest.
You can read more about that here on our Guest Blog Post for Laura Hollick’s Blog:
People all over the world are participating in this inspirational online event. We hope you join in the fun!
Be sure to take the Quiz to see what kind of Icon you are!  
We invite you to share the insight you received :)
With Heart,
Jill Marie 


  1. I love this Jill! Thanks for the reminder.

    1. Hi Linda,

      Thank you for being such a great influence in my life and jump starting this all for me with The Reconnection :)

  2. The paintings blew me away!! I would say that there is a divine connection for sure. Keep following your intuition and than you for sharing this! AMAZING!

    1. Thanks Carrie :) This is certainly an Amazing Universe with a great sense of adventure and fun!
